
Hello World!


I forgot to make an update about it yesterday, but yesterday was a very awesome day. Nay, the BEST DAY! Better than fuckin' Christmas. Because HALF-LIFE GOT IT'S 25TH ANNIVERSARY UPDATE AND I AM FROTHING AT THE MOUTH AND THE DOCUMENTARY IS SO GOOD OMFGGGGGG AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE NEW MAPS MADE BY THE OG DEVS, THE NEW PLAYERMODELS THE NEW (OLD) MAIN MENU THE FIXES IT'S ALL JUST SO FUCKING PERFECT!!! Also it's free so play it you dumb cunts.


Haven't made a blog post in a while, but hi! Updates to the site are coming soon (renovating the Pics page, properly converting the Sub Plot review into something more readable, adding more reviews, various graficks, adding RSS to this blog etc etc). As for stuff going on with me, yesterday I bought Pet Sounds on vinyl, and Gunfighter Ballads And Trail Songs on CD! Very good albums. I also caught the first half of a MiLB game, unfortunately I overate that day and felt very very bad :^( God I wanna start an imageboard and/or IRC room so bad. One day, when I get my fucking life together, fix all the broken shit in my room that makes me want to cut myself like a sandwich, and read the books I've been meaning to, I'll buy a domain and some server space and start Moominchan.

BONUS!: Transcript to the Febuary 20th Episode, where I had a religious psychotic episode in a Discord server.


As is tradition, it's been a good few months since I've written a blog post. Not much has happened of note in the last two months to be perfectly honest. My birthday came and went, and I got some records and a cassette recorder out of it I suppose. I'll post some stuff I've been recording onto cassettes and shit soon. Plans plans plans plans....


A lot of especially notable things have happened recently! First of all, I've succesfully switched to Linux Mint!!! Exciting! And as part of all the fun things occuring because of this change, I've started messing around with the Lynx browser (which I'm proud to say this website looks stellar on!) I'm currently fixing some issues with Mint detecting my ram, and unforunately my entire pictures folder was wiped, so not everything's sunshine and rainbows, but I think it's been worth it so far


I've been going through some SHIT recently, stuff I haven't mentioned in past entries. But essentially, my cat Simon was suddenly put down without warning. He had feline luekemia. I cried the entire night. We got another cat, christined "Skiddy Noodle" much too soon. And I am losing the phantom shreds of my mind that I didn't know I had, locked in a wooden music box handmaded in 1884 by a sad, lonely, schizophrenic man named D.B. Cooper. I've been feeling a bit inadequate with my webpage. I don't feel like it's good enough. Or rather, good period. Compared to the stylish and expressive HTML and CSS of my peers, my website is bland, dull, and noticeably unfinished. A lot of this is due to me copying and pasting a lot of the CSS like the loser fucking piece of shit I am. Dear God I hate myself. Every billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a nanosecond of my life on this planet is spent wallowing in sheer primal anger and misery. I am inconsolable. I am so fucking mad at the fundamental fabric of the universe. Of course, I wont be taken seriously by anyone, because I'm just a dumb sad corny piece of shit who doesn't deserve respect. Fuck you I hope you kill yourself. Asshole.


Simon had just turned a year old. He was the third cat I had that died. I don't think I've ever mentioned it here, but many months ago, I was prescribed Prozac, and my mother refuses to let me take it.


I really like The Elephant 6 Collective. I love all those great bands. The Apples, The Olivias, Marshmallow Coast, The Music Tapes, Elf Power, and of course Neutral Milk Hotel (among many others). I like them a lot. Also, have you noticed that the date format here, and the one on the homepage are different? Fuck.


Does anyone even read this shit? Should I make some sort of chat room/guestbook for communication? Call 1-800-JEFFMANGUM (or DM omniscientOverlady on the 'Cord) and make your vote!


I am very tired, and very angry, and I do not like the very act of being alive (I don't know why this is hard to explain to people but it is).